Wow! I would have to say that this place of endless mountains to climb and walk is another of my favourite places that i have seen. Starting off in the Southermost city in the world Ushuaia (Argentina) and criss-crossing our way north on Route 40 exploring Chile. Its cool during the day and freezing at night.
My first climb began in Ushuaia (after getting a novelty stamp in my passport) to a small Glacier overlooking the town. It was a little difficult getting to the end of the trail through mud and little rain however if you wanted to see the glacier you had to make your own way up through loose rocks and very steep inclines following the river. This took a while as i had to stop every 15 metres just to catch my breath. Entering a cloud i eventually hurried my way to the start of the glacier where you could only see 10 metres in front of you as it was getting late and it would be impossible to go back down in the dark. However i made it to the ice (pic) and back down safely in 7 hours absolutely stuffed only to find that i had done a schoolboy error in pitching our tent in what now i could see as a creek bed and yes it was raining. All i wanted was some hot food and a hot shower, where i spent that time frantically moving stuff out of the tent as it was flooding and leaking fast. What a day!
From here we zig-zagged our way north through Argentina and Chile spending a lot of time at border crossings, getting our passports stamped, truck checked for fruit and vegitables and filling out forms as well as more countless hours travelling between abandoned, creepy sheep station bush camps and civilized towns with amazing sun sets and sunrises and weather that changes so quickly.